Hayato Hori
「循環」「神秘」をテーマとし、永遠なる美と言われる「5:8」黄金比率で、幾何学模様や和柄を再構築した作 品を展開。 NY, PORTLAND,LONDON,VANCOUVER, TORONT, 東京、金沢、福井、千葉、名古屋、仙台、北海道と、国内外様々な土地へ旅をしながら、 作品を発表。 日本最大のロックフェスティバル、FUJIROCK FESTIVAL、朝霧jamへのLivepainting Showの出演から、NIKE ItalyにてCM出演、Element skateboard Japanとの壁画制作やNY Bushwick地区での壁画制作。近年は、石川県伝統工芸品九谷焼とのコラボレーションやドキュメンタリー番組でのTV インタビュー出演、ラジオ、トークショーなどでも活動の幅を広げている。
(cliant) NIKE ,DISNEY,Element skateboard Japan, 株式会社SMASH,株式会社電通,株式会社松竹,CHRYSLER, etc...
Hayato Hori is from Komatsu city, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan, born in 1988.
The themes of his pieces are “circulation” and “mystery”. His pieces are a mixture of classic Japanese pattern and geometric pattern restructured into a new geometric pattern based on the golden ratio of five to eight and the golden spiral, which are the figures referred to as the eternal beauty. He takes part in various activities such as exhibiting his works, painting walls for hotels, cafes, and skateboard parks, doing street art and being a designer. Holhy held his first overseas personal exhibition in Portland, the United States. Taking a cue from this first international exhibition, he stretches showcases of his outputs, from home and abroad, in New York City, Los Angels, Portland, Vancouver, Toronto, Milano, and Tokyo.